# ▼▼▼ XRXS82. Run-Smoother! ▼▼▼ # # update 2010/ 3/ 7 # #============================================================================== # 軽量化内容(カスタマイズポイント) #============================================================================== class Game_Event < Game_Character def need_update?(level = 0) return true if $game_system.map_interpreter.running? return true if @move_route_forcing return true if level >= 1 and @trigger.to_i >= 3 x = (@real_x - $game_map.display_x + 3) / 4 + 16 y = (@real_y - $game_map.display_y + 3) / 4 + 32 return false if x <= -128 or x >= 768 or y <= -32 or y >= 640 return (level == 0 or @step_anime or @move_type >= 1 or jumping? or moving? or @trigger.to_i == 2) end end class Sprite_Character < RPG::Sprite def need_update? return !(@character_name == "" and @tile_id == 0 and @character_name == @character.character_name and @tile_id == @character.tile_id and @character.animation_id == 0 and @_animation == nil) end end #============================================================================== # 処理適用 #============================================================================== class Game_Character def need_update?(level = 0) return true end end class Sprite_Character < RPG::Sprite alias xrxs82_update update def update xrxs82_update if self.need_update? and self.character.need_update?(0) end end class Game_Event < Game_Character alias xrxs82_update update def update xrxs82_update if self.need_update?(1) end end